Delayed Travel Diaries

I previously wrote a post about the fact that I did a core travel course as part of my degree last summer. I spent three and a half weeks travelling around the Mediterranean, visiting over ten cities across Italy, Sicily and Greece. There were ups and downs, but it was honestly one of the best…

Universal Credit

Well, here I am, finally at that point where asking for help is starting to make sense. It didn’t take a genius to work out that employment for young people is looking extremely bleak, but nevertheless I was convinced that I wouldn’t have the need to look into universal credit. After all, I’m in a…

Online Exams

Here came a new phenomenon to the student world due to the global pandemic; online exams! As all institutions across the nation closed at the request of the government, the alternative method of assessment was introduced for students in their final years at university in order to complete their courses. Lucky for pre-honours students, they…

Rock Bottom

I have depression. Whilst now I’m getting the help I need to deal with it, it’s still just one of those things that I have to cope with on a daily basis. I’ve had it for around a year now, and it wasn’t a case of waking up one morning and being hit by it,…

Black Lives Matter

The Civil Rights Movement of 2020 has been a long time coming. After all the work conducted by the Civil Rights Movement over five decades ago, it is with great sadness that in the 21st century there is still so much work that needs to be done. There is no question that George Floyd was…


As of this week, I am officially a graduate! After waiting (impatiently) for my results for weeks, I cannot express the relief I felt to see the line ‘Honours of the Second Class (Division i)’ written on my transcript. It hasn’t been the nicest end my four years studying what with the coronavirus pandemic but…

Core Travel

Being a Classics student has its perks. No 9-5s, and lectures no later that 1pm, however the biggest of all occurs between junior and senior honours; core travel! This involves spending three weeks travelling around the Mediterranean, visiting all the historical sites we’ve spent years reading about. I had it all planned since January, having…


After all that moaning I did about being single, feeling terribly lonely and feeling like I was never going to have that idyllic family I really want, I met a man. I really nice man. Possibly the best man I’ve ever met. And it was so out of the blue. One minute I was trying…

Life Happens

So, I took another break again. Not as long as I previously have, but long still. I can’t actually remember why I stopped writing but it probably started with me entering the dreaded exam season. I got through it though. I didn’t do as well as I wanted to, but I got through it. And…

Vivid Dreams

For a couple of years now I’ve been going through phases where I’ve experienced vivid dreams every night for long periods of time. The last time I can remember having them was last summer when I was in Manchester, because at the time I was sleeping badly, feeling low due to working a full time…

Boring Exams

I had my first exam of third year yesterday. Apart from the fact that the maps around uni are useless and we almost ended up late due to not being able to find the exam hall, I think it went okay. I realised I knew some things about Roman Art. And that’s one exam less…

Looking to the Future

In case I haven’t rambled on about it enough, I’ve had a rough year. University has been tough, I’ve found friendships and social groups difficult, I’ve had my heart broken and to top it all off I lost an election I’d spent three months working towards. I know I shouldn’t cloud my university experience because…