
No doubt, my Dad would love me to be a politician one day. I myself have debated the idea the more and more I watch the shambles that is the current UK government. Anyway, I’m not here to rant about Brexit. I’m here to talk about a campaign I’ll be running in aid of myself…

End of a ‘Thing’

I haven’t ever had a proper relationship. My first (and only) boyfriend was with a boy I went to college with when I was 18 and it barely lasted four months. We didn’t even sleep together. I then spent the next two years hoping and wondering when I’d next meet someone that took my fancy,…

Back, But Lost

Wow, it’s been a while. Well over a year and a half in fact. I started this blog when I was in my first year of university, quite frankly because I was bored. My second year however was vastly different. I moved out of halls and into a flat, I joined a sports club and…