Core Travel

Being a Classics student has its perks. No 9-5s, and lectures no later that 1pm, however the biggest of all occurs between junior and senior honours; core travel! This involves spending three weeks travelling around the Mediterranean, visiting all the historical sites we’ve spent years reading about. I had it all planned since January, having…


After all that moaning I did about being single, feeling terribly lonely and feeling like I was never going to have that idyllic family I really want, I met a man. I really nice man. Possibly the best man I’ve ever met. And it was so out of the blue. One minute I was trying…

Life Happens

So, I took another break again. Not as long as I previously have, but long still. I can’t actually remember why I stopped writing but it probably started with me entering the dreaded exam season. I got through it though. I didn’t do as well as I wanted to, but I got through it. And…